Six on Saturday – Garden Birds

The Big Garden Birdwatch 2020 takes place this weekend and so I thought it apt to choose 6 garden birds who have graced us with their presence today. We’ve noticed an increase in the number of birds in the garden during the last few weeks, I’m already hearing birdsong just before dawn and the bird feeders need replenishing more frequently. At this time of year, with the short days and longer nights, birds can have a really hard time making sure they’ve eaten enough during the day to sustain them overnight. You’ll notice that they spend most of the day on bird feeders, pecking in the undergrowth and feasting on the seeds of last summers border plants.

Long tailed tits appear in flocks several times a day, often joined by a few blue tits and great tits. These are the sweetest little birds, if not rather noisy with their high pitched chatter. They nibble away at the bark on trees and hang off the bird feeders with great agility.

The wonderful blackbird – there are quite a few about at the moment and the only downside is that they don’t seem to like to thrushes and will chase them away as soon as they set foot in the garden! Favourite food – apples -and they’ll fight over them! I’m looking forward to spring when at least one male bird will sit in the highest tree he can find and sing his heart out at dusk.

Anyone for tea? We have a lot of resident blue tits, undoubtedly the most frequently seen birds in our garden. For the last few years there’s been a nest in the eaves of the house, apparently the same families do return.

A great tit eying up the competition on the bird feeders! Another bird we see in large numbers, they are the largest British tit and will fight for their food!

I have noticed an increase in the number of house sparrows in our garden over the last two years, there was a time when it was rare to see one at all. They are voracious feeders and will empty a mixed seed feeder in a matter of hours. However, they are shy when I’m actually in the garden and are particularly elusive when I’ve got my camera ready! This female was the only one to come out of hiding!

Finally, we would we be without our robins, the friendliest of the garden birds. Spend a few minutes weeding or turning the soil over and you’ll have company – they’re extremely opportunistic and determined to get to any tasty morsel first!

There are birds we aren’t seeing at the moment – at this time of year, there are usually blackcaps, redwings and chaffinches in the garden, but no sightings as yet. Hopefully they haven’t gone for good.

That’s my six for this week – for more, visit the home of SoS at

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