
In the last few days of JanuaryLights#, Becky at the Life of B‘s square photo challenge, it’s such a shame that there is no word to describe lots of pictures I have where sunlight is creating a lovely warm glow through a flower’s petals. So, as neither sunlight nor backlight do the effect justice, I’m just going to make up a new word – Glowlight! Here are four favourites:

Allium Nectaroscordum (commonly known as Sicilian honey garlic), is a beauty when a low evening sun hits its flowers – irresistible! This plant is easily grown from bulbs, I’d recommend it not only for it’s looks but also its bee magnetism!

I absolutely love the delicate petals of the Welsh poppy, Meconopsis cambrica aurantiaca, its glow in sunlight is just gorgeous.

This stunning hellebore is unnamed – we purchased it from Farmyard Nurseries in Llandysul where new varieties are bred; this one hadn’t been named but I’d suggest it could be called ‘Edgy’ – striking – and living just outside the box!

A sweeping carpet of crocus growing in Walsall Arboretum in early spring – a delicate glow, but a glow all the same – so lovely!

Glowlight – a particular effect!

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